Friday, March 4, 2016

Wolfi reveals his mental state from Puno at Lake Titicaca

How am I doing? Being miserable? Party party party? Here come the secrets...


  1. Nice, I would prefer to travel alone too.

    1. yep, it is very different compared to riding with somebody else or in a group. Both have pros and cons... as always.

  2. Comparing your and Skippy's mental state, she seems to suffer much more and is not very happy with her current situation. Riding together is of course much cheaper and one can help each other. According to my oppinion she expects a lot from her environment and the people but is not willing to make much cocessions her own.....that does not make life easier.
    Are you still "family" or are you only going separate ways for a while?
    Anyway wishing both of you only the best!
    Regards from Peter

    1. The main reason for Skippy to go back to Europe was that she did not find a suitable way to travel with girls any longer in South America. In Europe it is possible (dogs are allowed on trains, hiking paths through forests) and safer (in terms of robberies, walking besides the street etc.).
      I will go back in May to Europe (assuming all goes fine) and I am looking forward to see my girls again. What we will do then is totally open. It also depends a lot on how our dogs are doing.
