Friday, February 19, 2016

First trillions of potholes and then somebody stole my helmet, Huallanca - Huanuco (Peru)

Another challenging ride for me and the bike which ended with the fact that somebody stole my helmet. But life and the journey went on :)


  1. Helmet thieves?...about as low as one could get. I guess look at the bright side, If the theft of the helmet is the extent of crime you have been faced with in South America, then life is good. Loving your posts / videos. Sad the Skippy is on the other side of the world, but now we have two folks to follow around the / win for your

    1. Well side about that you have now two story lines to read ;)
      I agree it could have been much worse and so far nothing bad happened like other travelers who got seriously mugged and lost all their gadgets. My old helmet really started to fell apart so the loss is not that tragic it is obnoxious (had to look that up) :D

  2. Isn't it torture for Peto riding such roads in the sidecar? Could imagine that it is less funny than on the bike. Reminds me on sitting on the rear bank in the car as child while driving towards holiday. It always ended up in........OK let's leave that ;-)
    How is Peto?

    1. Right now Peto is totally dead tired because the heat gets to both of us. Well, I would say of course he would prefer to play and chase other creatures instead of riding a bumpy road in the sidecar. But then I typically have several breaks like every hour and then I choose a place where he can be free without leash. At least like today he went for a "spin" right away :D
      He also has an extra thick bed which absorbs also a lot of the vibrations...
