Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Change of plan

Our original idea was to ride south on the N12 towards warmth, sunshine and beach. We threw that plan into trash since Hertta was not doing well at all. She had started to be more restless than usual and was also trembling badly. One of her eyes was red and even worse, the tumors in her mammals had grown a lot! To us they looked like she could explode from there any moment. Instead of going south, we decided to go via Taliouine to Agadir.
The ride to Taliouine via the N10 was mostly unspectacular except for a few curvy pieces like this one :)
Little Ulpu in the big desert.
Truck with moderate load.
Life in the desert.
We arrived quite early to Taliouine and our room was surprisingly warm as the window was towards south-west (what a relief) :) Our dinner in the tent restaurant of the hotel was the usual vegetarian couscous and tajine. It was good, inexpensive and filled our stomachs.

During our walk with girls, we experienced again that a local - this time a female teenager - wanted to have one of our girls. With a smile on our face we said no and pointed instead towards the lonely and help-seeking puppy, which followed us for the last hundred meters. All that little fellow wanted was some food, love and of course a decent home. The girl showed no interest in the stray-puppy and continued to buzz around us for a while waiting to get one of our girls. She became really annoying - a little misbehaving brat. It took a while before she let go and went on with her school friends. We were still some moments later upset or better said shocked about this attitude.
Heart-breaking stray-puppy - even Hertta liked him.

The ride towards Agadir put us through some nasty strong winds with plenty of sand. It got a little crunchy between the teeth. From a riding point of view, the streets were really boring. Luckily the temperature rose to 28 C - something positive :)

We decided to do first some food shopping and then check the hotel which was a bit north of Agadir. The shopping center (Marjane) seemed to be the last one before heading south or west and thus it was a meeting point for all the foreigners traveling through there. Plenty(!) of campers and also some bikers (next day we met a group of three guys from Belgium - hello to you).

We found several vets in Agadir - that was a promising start. We simply assumed that at least one of them could speak a few words of English or German. Besides that, we still did not have our International Driving Permits and Wolfi's rear shock was about ready to be shipped. So, once more plenty of things to organize.

Our track in Morocco up to now.

Our travelogue from this leg

Click here if you have trouble to watch the video.

~ Wolfi


  1. Thank you for the nice travelogue. The Youtube version did not work for me, it broke constantly at 1:33. But Vimeo version works fine.

    Btw. have you prepared somehow to prevent dust from hurting the engines? Even the chinese moon rover was stopped because of dust :)


    1. Great to hear that you like our travelogue. I need to look into the youtube version and if I can do anything about it right now.
      We have K&N air filter on the bikes and I hope their a bit better then normal paper filter. Since they can be cleaned and re-oiled, I guess that a more frequent cleaning is the best option I know right now.
      Hints are always welcome :)

    2. I checked the video and it works ok for me. If others have trouble as well, please let me know.

  2. Mukava katsella teidän videoita. Ikäväkseni joudun sanomaan että noista muoviroskista ette Afrikassa pääse eroon kuin ehkä saharassa. Marokkolaiset kun vielä tyhjentävät roska-astiansa suoraan mereen, ajattelevat että kun roskat on poissa silmistä niin asia on kunnossa.
    Kävin tänäänkin ajelemassa issikalla täällä suomessa ja sanoisinko että on pirun kylmää, siellä näyttää maisemat mukavammalta.
    Onnellista helmikuun alkua toivottelen teille Terveisin Ari

    1. Kiitoksia paljon ja terveisia Jaanalle, Axelille ja muut :)
