Saturday, December 21, 2013

Fruitarian Holiday feast

Here is my suggestion for Holiday feast. We enjoyed this as our pre-Christmas meal. The whole meal is quite well according to 80/10/10 low-fat-raw-vegan lifestyle with just a bit too much fat, but no need to be too strict on holidays! ;)

The zucchini pasta became instantly our new favorite. So if you just want try one new thing, I definitely recommend the pasta!

All recipes are for two. I recommend to use only organic produce!

As an appetizer we enjoyed fresh pomegranate juice, which I squeezed with my bare hands! Good muscle training at the same time :D

Starter salad
  • 100 g lettuce
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 0.5 mango
  • parsley
Chop the lettuce and half of the tomatoes and mango on plates. Put the other half of the tomatoes and mango into a mixer and mix until smooth sauce. Pour the sauce over the salad and garnish with parsley.

Minty loaf (or puree)
  • 1 small cauliflower
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 apple
  • juice of 2 lemons
  • 40 g mint leaves
  • 1 pureed mango
  • 70 g rucola
Mix the cauliflower, avocado, apple and lemon juice into a fine puree. Let the puree set in fridge for at least 30 min. before serving. Make rucola beds on the plates and pile the puree on top of them and pour the mango sauce around them.

Zucchini pasta (I forgot to take picture, sorry! It will be visible in the forthcoming video though! :))
  • 1 medium zucchini
  • 1 mango
  • 1 lime (flesh and juice!)
  • 1 dl coriander leaves
  • 0.5 dl fresh raw coconut meat (canned milk is also ok, just try to get without additives)
  • 1 small cayenne pepper
  • parsley
Slice the zucchini into thin pasta-slices. I just used a veggie peeler, but if you have a spiralizer or mandoline, be happy! :D Don't use the middle part with the seeds, that will go to the sauce!

Mix all the other ingredients (also the seed middle from zucchini) except the parsley into smooth sauce and pour over the pasta. Stir well and let set about an hour before eating. Garnish with some chopped parsley.

Raw Jul Log and cinnamon milk
  • 200 g dates
  • 5 figs
  • water
  • 1 tsp cardamom
  • 1 + 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 4 bananas
  • 1 apple
  • 0.5 dl fresh raw coconut meat (canned milk is also ok, just try to get without additives)
  • 2 dl water
Soak the dates and the figs in water that just covers them for about 1 hour. Add the cardamom and 2 teaspoons of cinnamon and mix into smooth paste. Take 1 tablespoon of the paste aside and spread the rest evenly on the bananas.

Put the apple, coconut meat, water, 1 tsp of cinnamon and the 1 tbsp of date-fig paste into a mixer and mix until smooth drink. Enjoy!

I must admit that my Jul Log looks more like Jul Poop :D Well, it's the taste that matters, not the looks!

Here is the nutritional data of the meal for one person, for those who are interested. I was pretty amazed about these facts and didn't even give any thoughts for this while I was inventing the recipes! :) I used to calculate these. (the energy % are according to my measures: 173cm and 55kg and wanting to stay so ;))

Hopefully I didn't forget any ingredients...

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Happy and cruelty free Holidays to everyone!!!

~ Ilta

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